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Nailing asphalt shingles

Can You Switch from Wood Shakes to Asphalt Shingles?

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There are many types of roof coverings available such as asphalt shake shingles, and the type you choose could make a big difference in your home’s performance. If you’ve lived in a home with a shake roof for years and that shake is starting to look nasty – you might wonder if you can switch your current shake roof to something more manageable like asphalt shingles. Let’s learn more about switching from shakes to shingles and how to do things the right way.

When it comes to protecting your residential or commercial property, don’t settle for less. At Celtic Roofing, we have more than 30 years of experience offering excellent roofing solutions in Colorado and its environs. Whether you need wood shakes, asphalt shingles, or any other roofing material for your home, we are ready to meet your demands. We’re committed to excellence, so you can be sure to get the best out of the shingle roof installation services you seek from us.


So, Can You Switch from Wood Shakes to Asphalt Shingles?

You can make the switch to asphalt easily on most occasions. Let’s find out why shakes aren’t as popular as they once were and the special requirements for switching.


Why Wood Shakes Are Falling Out of Favor

Don’t get us wrong, wood shakes are a great roofing material, and with the right home, they can last for decades. There’s been no downgrade of quality in shake production, but asphalt shakes shingles have fallen out of the favor both with local building divisions and with insurance providers over the past few years.

Shakes are beautiful, but they can create a fire hazard. After all the shingles are made of wood. This is more of a problem if you’re trying to install wood shakes in an area prone to wildfires. Some jurisdictions don’t allow new shake installs and some home insurance providers won’t even cover shake roofs or will charge exorbitant premiums to cover wood roofs. Shake roofs aren’t disallowed everywhere, but times are changing, and shake isn’t as popular as it used to be.


Upgrading Code Requirements

If you’re switching from shake to asphalt shingles, you may have to make proper building and code adjustments to meet modern building code. Most older shake roofs are installed over 1 “x 6” boards with small gaps in them to allow air to flow in and out when the shingle roof installation get started.

If you’re switching from shake to shingle, this spaced decking may no longer meet the building code. Most homeowners simply apply plywood or particle board over their previous decking to upgrade to proper code requirements. Your unique jurisdiction may also have special rules for asphalt shake to shingle installs. A call to your local building department can help tell you what you need to do, or you can leave it to the roofers’ expertise.

You can switch from wood shake to asphalt shingles, and many do every year. The key in a proper switch is hiring a highly-rated local roofer that has performed many shake to shingle installs already. A good roofer will meet code requirements and do what it takes to take off your nasty old shake roof and install a beautiful new shingle roof. Now you’re left with a gorgeous new roof that both your insurer and your local building division love.


Why Work With Celtic Roofing

  • Local Experts Hiring a roofing company that works and lives in your community can be an added advantage. For instance, Celtic Roofing experts understand what most residential and commercial property owners in our neighborhood want especially when it comes to asphalt shingle roof installation. Therefore, you can be sure they will offer a solution to prevent the need for changes.


  • Satisfaction Guarantee – our experts will arrive at your property within a short turnaround time and conduct a roof inspection to provide the best service possible. We treasure our customer’s satisfaction which is why we won’t leave your property until you’re pleased with the quality of work completed.


  • Safety Comes First – our experts have the requisite knowledge and training to provide safe asphalt shake shingles roofing solutions. We acknowledge that these aren’t the only things needed to achieve the desired results. Our roofers are equipped with tools like sponge pads, ropes, and proper shoes to work on steep pitches. We also carry insurance, so you won’t be liable for workplace injuries.


Schedule A Free Roofing Consultation Today

At Celtic Roofing, we’re committed to completing any roofing task appropriately, in adherence to the highest roofing standards. With extensive experience in installing, repairing, and maintaining wood shakes and asphalt shingle roofs, you will receive the best protection for your commercial or residential property. Contact us today to discuss your options and schedule a free inspection.


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What to Know About Hailstorms in Colorado

Every region has its unique weather patterns and conditions, but some are worse on your home than others, like hail. Some certain regions of the United States such as the Mountain West tend to get pounded with hail, and Mountain West states like Colorado are often some of the worst victims.

If you’re moving to Colorado, you need to be aware of the ever-present threat that is hail. So, what do you need to know about hailstorms in the Centennial State?

What You Need to Know About Hailstorms in Colorado

There is a Season, But Hail Can Come Anytime

Early spring through late summer are the most susceptible timeframes for hailstorms in Colorado, but they aren’t the only time storms can come. Severe and damaging hailstorms have been known to pop up in early winter and even in late fall. Always be prepared for hail if you live in Colorado no matter the time of year.

Know What You Should Look For

How do you know how bad a hailstorm was? Look at the leftover hail. Size is a crucial factor when it comes to hail, but it’s not the most crucial factor, density is. You can tell the density of hail from its color, the denser the hail is, the clearer it will appear, and the more damage it will do. White hail tends to explode on impact like a snowball while clear hail is a nasty ice ball. If the hail is colored clear like ice and large, look out.

Consider Fighting Back Against Hail

The good news is that you can fight back against hail and take preventative measures. This includes impact-resistant shingles, impact-resistant siding, and even impact-resistant windows. Not only will these impact-resistant materials keep your home from being damaged, but they could also score you insurance premium discounts in hail-prone Colorado.

Colorado is a paradise to most, but that paradise comes with a disclaimer known as hail. Hail can come anytime in the state so if you want to fight back against the dreaded falling ice, consider upgrading components of your home such as your roof and windows. Being prepared will save your home from nasty Colorado hail, and could even get you insurance premium discounts.

Here’s Why You Need a Free Roof Estimate

Your home may be made of timber and stone, but simplifying a home to the bare materials discredits all the work that goes into constructing the modern home. The components of your home all work together to give you a comfortable life and the modern conveniences we’ve all come to expect.

The idea behind the home functioning means that the entire system can be thrown out of whack if one thing goes wrong, especially if that component is critical like your home’s roof. Your roof is the first line of defense against all that nasty water and debris that wants to get into your home and cause issues.

How do you make certain that your home’s roof is in decent shape? By getting it inspected. Let’s review why it’s a great idea to get your roof inspected (and for free!)

Why You Should Get a Free Roof Estimate

Peace of Mind

You can perform a visual inspection yourself to make sure everything is good to go on your roof, but it won’t give you the same peace of mind that you can get from a professional. Hire a professional to give you a free estimate to see what you need to do to keep your roof in great shape if anything. The best part about a free roof estimate? It’s also a free roof inspection.

Get Proactive

Getting a free roof estimate is the best way to get proactive on the health of your roof. A professional roofer can find minor issues that could give you large problems later, and fix them right away. Being proactive is the best way to keep both your roof and home in safe and dry conditions.

How Often Should I Have My Roof Inspected?

We typically recommend that you have your roof inspected by a professional once every year. It’s a good habit to get into, but specific factors like weather, tree coverage, and the age of your roof will affect how frequently you’ll want to get a free roof inspection from us at Celtic Roofing.

  • Weather: After a major storm, especially if there was hail or high winds that caused flying debris, you should always promptly contact a roofing professional like us to take a look at the condition of your roof. Wind, rain, snow, and hail are some of the most common causes of damage, and as you may know all too well, we experience a great deal of this kind of weather here in Colorado.
  • Tree coverage: While trees can make for some great curb appeal and are very desirable for home landscaping, they can significantly damage your roof with falling branches that, while small, can still tear apart shingles. High winds and storms can also cause large branches to snap off and leave holes in your roof, so take note of if any trees have branches that extend directly over your home or close to it.
  • Age of your roof: If you have a roof that’s more than two decades old, we recommend having it inspected more often as a part of a preventative maintenance program. This is because an older roof is much more susceptible to weather damage.

We also recommend roof inspections for anyone who is trying to sell their home or is interested in buying a new home. For sellers, this will alert you to any potential problems that you can fix now and prevent the risk of them worsening over time and becoming more expensive to fix and delaying a sale. For buyers, this will give you more information about the property so you can make a more informed decision, and if there is significant damage that will need repair, you can use this to try and lower the seller’s asking price.

It’s Free

Why should you get a free roof estimate? Because it’s free! A no-obligation estimate from a qualified roofer can let you know what you’re up against if there are any issues that you need to be fixed, an estimate on how much it will cost to get it fixed, an estimate on the useful life left on your roof, and more. All at no cost to you. The question you should be asking yourself is, why shouldn’t you get a free roof estimate?

If you want peace of mind that your roof is in decent shape and want to be proactive about your roof’s health, you should get a free roof estimate. You have nothing to lose so make the call to a qualified and local roofer to give you a free estimate today.

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What is Metal Roofing?

There is a large variety of building types and styles spread throughout the United States, and all need the perfect roof covering to keep them watertight and safe. For a residential home, that could be asphalt shingles or concrete tile for a condo association.

Metal roofs are an older form of roofing, but advances in material technologies mean the modern metal roof isn’t too like the old-fashioned tin roof you’ve probably heard of. Let’s explore what metal roofing is, and some situations in which metal roofing is the best material for the job.

So, What is Metal Roofing?

Simply put, metal roofing is a roofing material that’s primarily constructed of metal. In the roofing world that material is most often steel. Roofing metal is manufactured in several types of styles, sizes, colors, and strengths, so it’s easy to match your home or commercial building to the perfect roofing material.

While metal is still more popular for commercial roofing projects, shows it is quickly becoming more popular for residential use as well.

Advantages of Metal Roofing

  • Strong: Why is anything built with metal? Because it’s strong. Metal roofing has been known to stand up to fierce winds, hail, driving precipitation, snow, ice and anything else Mother Nature can throw at it. When you choose metal, you choose strength.
  • Variety: Since metal roofing is manufactured in several assorted styles, it’s easy to match your building to the proper metal roof. Traditional metal roofing may not be the most pretty to look at, but modern materials are much easier on the eyes.
  • Versatile: You can choose metal roofing for almost any type of project. Personal home or commercial warehouse, the metal will work on most roof types.
  • Longevity: Metal roofs have strong warranties and useful lives, upwards of 50 years. If you want a material you won’t need to replace anytime soon, look to metal roofing.

Disadvantages of Metal Roofing

  • Cost: Metal roofing is much stronger than traditional roofing materials, but you will have to pay for it. The good news is that a metal roof will last much longer than traditional materials.
  • Difficulty in Good Contractors: If you live in a major city, it won’t be difficult to find reliable metal roofers, but you may have difficulty finding reliable help for metal roofing in a small town.
  • Noise: Some homeowners have reported that their metal roofs are noisy during heavy precipitation, but many modern metal roofs come with dampeners to quiet the noise.

The choice of roofing materials is up to you. Metal roofing is reliable, durable, and lasts a long time, but it costs much more than traditional roofing materials. Your best strategy is to meet with a local and reputable metal roofing contractor to see if metal roofing is the right call for you.

What is Redecking?

Let’s Get You Started With Redecking:

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When most people think of the roofs, they only think of the actual roof covering such as asphalt shingles. The roof covering is undoubtedly an important part of your roof, but there is much more to your roofing system than what you see. A roofing system is composed of several components including the covering, underlayment, vents, pipes, drip edge, decking, and more. Since every roof is different, every roof will need several types of work performed on it during replacement to bring everything up to code and looking great. Redecking A Roof Colorado

Depending on what condition your roofing system is currently in, the roofer may decide to replace the entire system all the way to the decking. If your roofer has talked to you about redecking your residence, you likely want to know what redecking is and what’s involved. Let’s review what redecking is, and why you may need to have your home redecked.

So, What is Redecking?

The primary layer that your roofing system is built on is known as your home’s decking or sheathing. Most residences are decked with plywood or OSB to serve as the base for your roofing materials. Like anything else on your roof, this decking may break down over time and need to be replaced in a process known as redecking. Now that we know what redecking is let’s review some reasons you may need to redeck your roof.

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Space Decking

Homes that are roofed with wooden shakes or shingles utilized an older type of decking to allow the air to flow between the shakes and ventilate the home. Unfortunately, this gapped decking known as space decking is no longer up to international building code. If you are having your roof changed from wooden shakes or shingles to asphalt shingles, you will need to redeck over the old decking to bring your home up to code.

Rotten Decking

Wood does not last forever, and if your home’s wooden decking is bowed, waterlogged, rotted or otherwise compromised, it will need to be replaced during reroofing. You may need only a few sheets replaced, or you may need to redeck the whole area.

The good news is that your insurance may help you out if you need your home redecked. The best way to find about your home’s decking is by hiring a local roofer with a compelling reputation. An expert roofer can let you know why your home needs to be redecked, what your options are for redecking, and if your insurance can help you out. With a local roofer on your side, your home will be redecked and in perfect condition for your new roof.


Ice Dam

Celtic has vigorous protocols for preventing ice dam issues and installs Ice and Water Shield on EVERY roof. This goes on over the redecking and is vital for the prevention of ice dam formation here in Colorado. Learn more about preventing ice dams on your roof here:

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Do You Need Impact-Resistant Materials?

Welcome to Denver, have you had your roof inspected? It’s easy to joke about roofing in the Denver metro, but between the hail storms, high winds, and fluctuating temperatures, the Denver metro’s elements can take a big toll on your roof.

There is some good news; you can defend your home and your roof with the help of some specialized roofing materials. You may have heard a roofer talking about impact-resistant materials, so what’s so great about them? How important are they for our local area?

Do You Need Impact-Resistant Materials in Colorado?

Almost every roofing company in the Denver Metro will recommend getting your home outfitted with impact-resistant materials, let’s learn why.

Fight Back Against Hail

The primary use of impact-resistant roofing materials is to defend your roof against hail damage. Impact-resistant shingles are constructed with an added fiberglass mat or other reinforcement sandwiched between traditional roofing materials to make your shingle a cut above.

Impact-resistant materials are tested and certified by a third-party review company such as Underwriters Laboratories (UL), so you know the materials and the term “impact-resistant” aren’t only about branding but have been put through real rigorous testing.

Impact-resistant materials are more expensive out of the gate compared to more traditional roofing materials, but they can save you money in the end, let’s learn how.

Insurance Premium Discounts

Not only will impact-resistant materials act as an armor to keep your home from getting damaged by hail, but it may also save you some money on your insurance premiums. Insurance companies have to shell out a pretty penny every time they have to pay a homeowner to replace their roof, so they’d rather not have to replace the roof in the first place. That’s why if you choose a material that’s likely to stand up to hail, your insurance company will thank you with a discount.

The Denver metro is susceptible to damaging hail storms just about any time of the year, but you can fight back with impact-resistant roofing materials. These specialized materials can help protect your home, and can even save you money by securing you insurance premium discounts. If you’re thinking about replacing your roof, talk to your roofer about impact-resistant materials.

3 Roofing Issues to Look Out For

You could argue that your home’s roof is the most important component for keeping you dry and safe, and it would be difficult to take a stance against that. Since the roof is such a critical component of your home, you must be sure it is ready to take on whatever the outside elements can throw at it, unless you want to rack up a big bill to fix a roof leak.

It’s understandable that your roof can get neglected, it’s way up there after all, but a seasonable inspection is always a great idea if you can safely inspect your roof. Let’s review what you should be looking for anytime you perform a home roof inspection. For this article, we will talk about residential asphalt roofs, since they are the roof covering for approximately 75% of homes in the US.

3 Issues to Look For When it Comes to Your Roof

Shingle Wear-and-Tear

Common shingle wear-and-tear issues include balding shingles, granule loss, rips, tears, punctures, or missing shingles. If the shingle simply doesn’t look right, take note for a professional roofer. Work in a methodical manner along your roof to make an accurate assessment.

Flashing and Penetrations

Penetrations on your roof include plumbing jacks, vents of different types, chimneys, and more. The extra metal found around these items to keep them watertight is known as flashing. Make an inspection of the flashing and the areas around these penetrations. Look for bent or missing flashing, rusty flashing, or flashing that otherwise looks like it’s lived out its useful life.


Your roof won’t do your home too much good if the gutters aren’t also in great shape. During roof inspections, check your gutters out too. Look for rips, holes, bends, dents, standing water, clogs and more. Gutters that aren’t working properly can send moisture right into the foundation of your home, causing serious issues. Take a garden hose up with you if you need to test any areas.

If your shingles are in good shape, your flashing in good shape and your gutters are in good shape; you should be set for the season. If you are uncomfortable inspecting your roof, call a local and reputable roofing company to perform a free inspection for you on your behalf. Their expert eyes can find any defective areas of your roof, or you can get a clean bill of health.

When Is It Time for New Gutters?

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Most roofs are pitched or sloped for one simple reason, gravity. Gravity funnels moisture and other debris off your roof to go where it should be, namely not on your roof anymore. Most properties would be a disaster if all roof debris were allowed to fall wherever it pleased, but luckily that’s why we have gutters.

Your roof’s gutters catch and funnel water and debris to specific locations to keep your property neat and tidy, so their importance as a part of your roofing system can’t be denied. So, when do you know your gutters have seen better days, and need to be replaced? Let’s review the signs that you need new gutters.

Looking to find a reliable roofing contractor in Colorado? Celtic Roofing is the roofing company to trust. We specialize in roof gutter solutions, so you can count on us to help you achieve the desired results. We have more than 30 years of experience in roof installation, repair, and maintenance around the area, so we understand your roof’s requirements.


When Do You Need New Gutters?

Let’s review some of the more common symptoms of old or worn-out gutters, what they mean, and why you need new gutters to fix it.


Pools of Water Around the Property

If you walk around your property one day and notice strange pools of water where they shouldn’t be, it’s likely the gutters. You may not always be able to catch leaky gutters in action, but they leave evidence when they’ve seen better days. These pools of water can cause mold, mildew, and even erode your foundation in the worst cases.


Sagging or Pulling Away from the Home

If you notice that your gutters have started to sag or pull away from your home, they have likely outlived their useful life. This is also an issue that homeowners can spot from the ground.



Every crack, nick, and other damage can put your gutters in danger. Even the tiniest cracks will balloon as the gutter ages, leaving you with water and debris going where it shouldn’t be going. If you can walk your roof, try to inspect your gutters for this type of damage at least twice a year.


Peeling Paint and Rust

In most cases, paint is baked on to gutters, so peeling paint and rust aren’t normal wear-and-tear, they’re a sign that your gutters are retaining moisture. Peeling paint is a great indicator that your gutters have served their useful life.

If you notice any of these issues, new gutters are likely in your future. Call your local roofing and gutter company to have them inspect your gutters and confirm if repair or replacement is your best course of action. When your gutters are strong, your roof and whole property will be happy and healthy.

Why Choose Celtic Roofing For Your Gutter Installation Needs

  • Safety is a Priority- although you may be tempted to install new gutters on your own, it can be unsafe and costly. At Celtic Roofing, our experts are trained to follow the highest safety standards so you can be sure that everyone stays.


  • Affordable Roofing Solutions – when you work with us, you will not only benefit from quality roofing solutions but will access inexpensive roofing materials. We have established connections with roofing material manufacturers to ensure we offer you a fair price.


  • Rapid Response – we understand that Colorado’s stormy weather can affect your roof. You only need to contact us when you have roof damage, and our service team will immediately respond to you.


  • Local Experts – Thanks to our experience, we understand the type of roofing solutions suitable for our area. The diverse weather conditions in Colorado require you to make appropriate decisions regarding your roof installations, repairs, and maintenance. Our experts are happy to offer the advice you need to avoid making costly mistakes. We also understand Colorado’s building codes so that you will have no conflicts with the authorities.


Schedule a Free Inspection Today

Celtic Roofing is a local roofing company that offers quality gutter installations in Colorado. We have installed thousands of gutters for home or commercial property owners through the years. No job is too complex or simple for us, so don’t hesitate to reach out to us whether you want commercial gutters or custom gutters.

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Thatch Roof Installation

3 Facts to Know About Thatched Roofs

Although Colorado has no thatched roofs (that we know of!), The Celtic Clan is from Ireland where these types of roofs are abundant. Let’s learn a bit about a thatched roof!

What do a modern home and a home constructed 2,000 years ago have in common? They both have roofs. For as long as humanity has needed to build homes, they’ve had to build roofs to protect those homes. The cool part? You can still see some of the roofing materials used back then, today, including thatch roofs installation.

If you want to learn more Call Us! Free Inspection! 

There have been great strides when it comes to modern roofing materials, but some of those materials used by our roofing forefather’s way back in the day still have benefits to this day, like thatched roofing. Let’s learn more about this ancient and unique style of roofing.

3 Facts for You to Know About Thatched Roofs

Thatched Roofs are Stronger than You Think

Consider a roof that is made up of straw, reeds, grasses, and other vegetation. It sounds like it wouldn’t be very strong, right? In reality, properly installed thatched roofs can last many years and even in multiple decades. They have been proven to be watertight against driving wind, rain, and snow, and provide a considerable amount of insulation to the homes they are installed on. Just because a roof is made of vegetation, doesn’t mean the big bad wolf can blow it down.

Thatched Roofs Are Still in Use Today

There’s an understanding that thatched roofs have been used for millennia as a suitable roof covering but did you know thatched roofs are still in use today? It’s not in third world countries either; you can find thatched roofs on almost every continent. From the thatched pub coverings in traditional England to temples in the Far East,  thatch roofs installation still gets its due in modern times.

Thatched Roofs Vary by Region

The beauty about thatched roofing is that it utilizes plentiful, cheap materials like grasses and straws. This makes thatched roofing unique in that a thatched roof installed in Europe will be much different than one available in South America, due to the available materials at hand. Every thatched roof is engineered and installed to reflect the surrounding environment – not something you will find with asphalt shingles.

Thatched roofing may have been used around the time of the Ancient Romans, but it’s not too difficult to find thatched roofs in the modern age either. Thatched roofing’s low-cost and abundant materials mean thatched roofs aren’t going away anytime soon as well.

Celtic Roofing

We may not offer thatched roofs here in Colorado, but we do offer many different roofing options as well thatch roofs installation for over 20 years of experience. Let us come give you a free roof inspection and a litany of roofing options to see what will work for your home or business! Call today for a free consultation. And remember … This may be the last roof you’ll ever need.


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3 Facts to Know About Flat Roofing and Flat Roofing Repair

What do you know about roofs? They cover a home, are made of shingles and panels, and are pithed, right? Well for most roofs those three factors are the case, but not when it comes to flat roofing. Commercial buildings and many homes use flat roofs instead of traditional pitched roofing, and those flat roofs need a flat roof covering.

Many homeowners know the basics of pitched roofing, but few are aware of the large world of flat roofing that exists all around them. Heck, we like flat roofs, and we think you will too, so let’s learn more about flat roofing and flat roofing repair with some random knowledge and facts.

3 Facts for You to Know About Flat Roofing

Flat Roofs Aren’t Always Flat

In fact, no flat roofs are 100 percent flat. What happens to moisture on a flat surface? It stays there. For roofing purposes, all flat roofs have at least a few degrees of slope to allow water and debris to drain off.

In the roofing, world slope is measured in rising/run every 12 inches. For example, a roof that rises six inches vertically for every foot it runs would be a 6/12 slope. For roofing, a roof is considered flat if it has a slope of 1/12 or less.

You Can Do Your Flat Roofing Repair Without Redoing Your Flat Roof

The beauty about flat roofing is that you can revamp your flat roof without redoing the whole thing. Flat roofs are perfect candidates for roof coatings that can add more years to your flat roof. Roof coatings are much cheaper than roof replacement, so you flat roof could last even longer with the help of a roof coating.

Flat Roofs Are Easy to Turn Green

Flat roofs are transformed into blue, cool, or green roofs, and on top of that, they’re perfect for solar panels. This article isn’t long enough to list what all those colored roofs mean, but all you need to know is that flat roofs are simple to transform into environmentally-conscious roofing.

When most people think roofs, they think pitched roofs, but we’d be lost without our flat roofs too. Flat roofs have some unique properties and interesting facts that make them different from the shingle. If you have a flat roofing repair project in the works, talk to a local and reputable flat roofing contractor to learn more about the unique properties of flat roofing.